How Homeowners Ruin Potential Sales

Right now, across most of the nation, as well as here in Orlando, sellers are enjoying the market conditions, as buyers take advantage of record low interest rates, new credit score modeling, loosened standards, and a variety of loan products. If you’re going to sell your home, you’ll be happy to hear that the average days homes stay on the market is just 52 days, according to the National Association of Realtors.

This means, especially here in Orlando, where the market is quite active, you will be able to sell your property fast, and, for a good price. That is, if you don’t sabotage the process and/or the deal. Unfortunately, some home sellers do things which ruin potential sales.

4 Ways Homeowners Ruin Potential Sales

You probably know that everything that’s broken must be fixed and to clean from top to bottom, inside and out. You also probably understand that curb appeal is a huge deal and sprucing it up isn’t something you can skip. However, there are ways sellers can turn a potential buyer into one that walks away.

“When potential buyers drive up to your home, they’re full of hope. They imagine themselves baking in the kitchen and their kids playing in the yard. Most of all they think: ‘Could this be my home?’ Then they look closer.” —

When you sell your home, you’re making a big commitment, and, have to invest time and money to get the best price. That’s why sellers opt to have their properties professionally staged, but, even a home that’s in great condition and looks amazing probably won’t sell, if you are doing one or more of the following things:

  1. Turning down unscheduled showings. It’s a real inconvenience having to give up what little free time you have to accommodate unscheduled showings, and, it’s not easy to keep your home in perfect showing condition. If you are really committed to selling your home, you’ll need to be willing to allow potential buyers to tour your property, even when it’s on short notice.
  2. Not getting feedback from people who’ve seen your home. When people see your home, walk through, and “inspect” it, they’ll make mental notes on what they do and don’t like. Have your seller’s agent follow-up with each person that’s seen your property and you’ll discover what’s causing them to walk away and not put in offers.
  3. Publishing a bad listing description. Over 90 percent of home searches begin on the internet, and, if you have a bad listing description, it will hurt your marketing. Spelling and grammar errors are one thing that will turn off home searchers, and, another thing that does the same is embellishment. If you describe it as remarkable, it better be just that, because you’re setting buyers-up for disappointment and it will cost you dearly.
  4. Changing your asking price. Changing your asking price because you priced your home too high or too low is a bad situation to face. Either way, you’re sending a signal to anyone who is watching that you aren’t sophisticated enough. Lowering the price will cause buyers to believe you’re willing to go even lower. Raising the price says that you were willing to give buyers a deal, but now, you’re trying to cash-in on the sale.

Choose an experienced and local real estate professional, follow the advice, and be willing to make changes as needed. If you do these things, you will sell your home quickly and for a good price.