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Foxhaven is perfectly located to take advantage of all that is on offer in Hunters Creek including great shopping at The Loop and Golf at Hunters Creek Golf Course. In fact, this great neighborhood is located just south of the 5th hole of the Hunter’s Creek Golf Course!
Foxhaven’s first home was sold back in April of 1989 and the community was completed in October 1991. In total there are 137 homes in the community. Properties include spacious two, three and four bedroom homes that range in size from around 1200 square feet to over 1900 square feet floorplans. The community is designed with an interior retention pond and a passive park are connected to it, making it the perfect place to raise kids who enjoy playing in the street or at the park!
If you are considering relocating to Hunters Creek and are looking for a beautiful single family home then perhaps the great single family home community of Foxhaven in Hunters Creek is the neighborhood you could live in! Contact Steve Glose for professional Hunters Creek Relocation advice.